The Best Team-Up Attacks For Marvel Rivals Season Zero


The Punisher, with an infinity symbol overlay on his back, shoots at a Galacta Bot Ultra.

Screenshot: Marvel Games / Kotaku

Ammo Overload was a huge threat in the betas and it remains so after the official launch. When Rocket Raccoon is on the same team as The Punisher and/or Winter Soldier, he can throw out a device that buffs the latter two with a faster firing rate and infinite ammo. This dramatic change in damage output can make getting an Ace kill a lot easier.

Both The Punisher and Winter Soldier dish out decent damage already, but this Team-Up Ability is akin to activating cheat codes. The device’s range is also decent enough that there are always options on where to place it. If these characters are on the same team, this ability needs to be used.

Keeping these top abilities in mind will go a long way during the remainder of Marvel Rivals‘ Season Zero. Recognizing that your enemies have them or that your team could have one if you switch characters is great knowledge to have. Play smart, have fun, and watch out for those Iron Fists.


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