Kim Kardashian is lending her name and image to a second collaboration with Apple’s Beats line of headphones. The latest entry to the Beats x Kim line brings three neutral colors – Moon, Dune, and Earth – to the Beats Studio Pro headphones. The limited collection is available now from Apple and Amazon, and even with the celebrity backing, the headsets retail for their usual price of $350.
Apple refreshed the Beats Studio Pro last year, including a new version of the brand’s audio chip and improving active noise cancellation capabilities. The headphones also got an aesthetic refresh to couple with the updated sound quality.
This marks the second time the reality television star has worked with Apple on audio gear. In 2022, the pair launched the Beats x Kim line with the same three skin tone hues for the Beats Fit Pro earbuds. Apple said that release was its best-selling collaboration to date. Kardashian’s Skims clothing company also focuses on items with skin tone colors, so the neutral appearance of her Apple gear seems on brand.
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