The federal relief “was worth the investment,” Reardon tells NPR. “It led to significant improvements in children’s academic performance… It wasn’t enough money, or enough recovery, to get students all the way back to where they were in 2019, but...
From Becoming an Everyday Changemaker by Alex Shevrin Venet. © 2024 Routledge/Taylor & Francis. Reproduced with permission. Change is unsettling....
Me: “What?! I assume you loved it?” Student: “Yup. It was so good.” Me: “Did you even sleep?!” Occasionally, the...
Brenda Krupp, a reading specialist and co-author of Welcome to Reading Workshop, recommended that teachers pre-read the book and make...
In many K-12 schools across the country, an alarming number of children have been chronically absent – an old problem...
“We have to take steps to ensure that dads are being seen and heard,” said Chavis. A simple solution is...
Economists haven’t been able to conclusively prove that student achievement suffered more under LIFO layoffs than other ways of reducing...
We should therefore ensure that these things are used for all learners, and they can be used straight away and...
The first hurdle was whether tutoring companies would be willing to offer services without knowing exactly how much they would...
For example, if a teacher is focused on guiding students through creating a story using a sequence of events, they...