
A New City Won’t Save You + Lydia Sohn


… but it might shape you.

Katelyn and Roxy both moved to New York City with a dream of starting fresh and the promise of a new life with new adventures, new friends and new romance. And, to be honest, New York delivered on pretty much all of that. It’s a great city! But it’s not the only city — and moving here cost us too. Money, yes, but also stability and roots and proximity to long-time friends. We’ve both moved from city to city over the years, and we’ve gained gifts in each but we’ve also come to realize that age-old truth: wherever you go, there you are. On this episode, we explore the benefits of staying put and putting down roots — even as we celebrate our nomadic adventures. We are joined by Methodist minister and author Lydia Sohn who helps us see the spiritual roots of making home.


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