Cultivated chicken doggie snacks have gone on sale at a U.K. pet food retailer, Pets at Home. The retailer also happens to be a major investor in Meatly, the startup producing the meat ingredient contained in dog food brand The Pack’s Chick Bites, as the slaughter-free, low carbon treats are billed. (Other ingredients in the snacks are plant-based.)
Meatly is claiming a world first for retailing cultivated meat for pet food, as the Guardian reports. The company gained regulatory clearance for the use-case last summer — claiming a European first. Chick Bites are its first foray into commercializing Meatly Chicken, its name for the meat it’s growing in bioreactors, after a one-time harvest of cells from a single chicken egg. But it has big plans to scale up.
While this first doggie snack is a “limited release,” suggesting its production capacity is still capped, Meatly said its next steps will focus on scaling production and making products “more widely available to consumers.”
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