The One Consistent Thing On Fire Country Is That Bode Will Always Be Portrayed As A Hero No Matter The Circumstance


After completing Fire Country Season 1, all I can say is that it’s very clear that the one rule the writers have is that Bode must always be, even if secretly, a hero by the end of every episode. Tell me I’m wrong. 

After multiple catastrophic situations and one bad guy after another, it seems that many of the characters have plateaued into their respective corners — each with hangups they can’t seem to get past. 

Fire Country has a lot it can boast about, with so many talented actors that viewers are always rooting for, as well as the kind of drama that sucks you right in. 

L - Bode's Parole - Fire CountryL - Bode's Parole - Fire Country
(Sergei Bachlakov/CBS)

However, for all of the show’s amazing elements, there are still things that can fall through the cracks.

One of those things could be how Max Theriot’s Bode has hit a wall in character development. 

As Heroic As Fire Country Makes Bode Out To Be, It’s Becoming Self-Destructive 

Is it me, or has anyone else noticed that Bode is never in the wrong by the end of an episode?

Seriously, no matter the situation he is in or what orders he is given, the scenarios always play out to Bode’s benefit. 

Don’t get me wrong, because I do love the character, but even Manny (Kevin Alejandro) has to be annoyed out of his mind with how often Bode wants to go against the rules and do things the way he sees fit. 

Manny - Fire Country Season 1 Episode 16Manny - Fire Country Season 1 Episode 16
(Sergei Bachlakov/CBS)

Bode’s instincts are all over the place, though. He was right on the money when it came to the fake “Collin.” Side note, I knew that character seemed shady from the jump, no matter how cute he was. 

Sadly, that instinct wasn’t much help when it came to handling Sleeper. 

Was anyone else screaming at the TV for Bode to just turn in Sleeper to Manny? We can hardly blame the captain for constantly questioning Bode’s intentions when Manny is forever left in the dark. 

If Bode had reported Sleeper the first time, there wouldn’t have been a need for a drug test, and Bode wouldn’t have had to choose between his and Freddy’s freedom. 

Eve and Collin - Fire Country Season 1 Episode 17Eve and Collin - Fire Country Season 1 Episode 17
(Sergei Bachlakov/CBS)

It’s clear that Bode has White Knight syndrome because he is constantly trying to save every single person all the time, but after a while, it becomes self-destructive. 

The Drama On Fire Country Has Reached A Boiling Point That Doesn’t Seem To Be Letting Up 

At this point, I can’t help but wonder what it is about Bode that keeps Gabriela holding on.  

She’s a smart and talented character, but she has tied herself to Bode like the activist to the tree in Fire Country Season 1 Episode 13

Bode is great and all, but I don’t know how she can see a realistic future with a man that keeps choosing other people over himself, not to mention, his future. 

Despite his intentions, his choices keep hurting the people who care about him. 

Gabriela - Fire Country Season 1 Episode 21Gabriela - Fire Country Season 1 Episode 21
(CBS/Sergei Bachlakov)

Then again, it’s slim pickings for Gabs. If you recall, her diving buddy Kyle came to town for some work-related stuff. 

However, after a brief reunion, he decided he wanted to upend his entire life and move to Edgewater to be with Gabriela. 

I’m sorry, but what? I don’t care if it’s romantic because that is the reddest of flags. 

Speaking of men moving in on another’s love, I see Uncle Luke did not stray far from the drama.  

Vince - Fire Country Season 1 Episode 14Vince - Fire Country Season 1 Episode 14
(Sergei Bachlakov/CBS)

While this role is a much nicer one for Michael Trucco (The Fall of the House of Usher), I have a feeling that the kidney he’s offering Sharon is coming with strings whether she and Vince want it to or not. 

As if the Leone family needs any more drama than they already have, there is still the matter of a possible addition to the clan. 

Bode Is Due For A Hard Lesson About Life So He Can Reclaim His Own 

It can be said that Fire Country Season 1 Episode 22 had everything and the kitchen sink thrown at it. If there was a chance for drama, it was used. 

The writers really waited till the finale to drop the baby bomb just to make the cliffhanger as extra as possible. I’m not mad about it, though, because it will be interesting to see how it develops. 

Was anyone happy by the end of Fire Country Season 1? Freddy was the closest to a happily ever after, but what would happen when he found out Bode was basically in the same situation he was in? 

Jake - Fire Country Season 1 Episode 17Jake - Fire Country Season 1 Episode 17
(Sergei Bachlakov/CBS)

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions, so it’s a good thing Bode has clocked plenty of time fighting fires. 

Maybe this will be the experience Bode needs to finally make the right choices for his life. 

As big of a heart as Bode has, he deserves a real chance, and not just one situation to fix after another that continues to cost him his future. 

If nothing else, the writers should do it for Sharon.

That woman can’t afford another collapse, and, lord knows, Vince is just about at the end of his rope. 

Sharon - Fire Country Season 1 Episode 19Sharon - Fire Country Season 1 Episode 19
“Watch Your Step” – The station 42 crew responds to an out-of-control blaze at a wellness retreat, and the third rock crew tries to protect one of their own from a dangerous overdose. (Sergei Bachlakov/CBS)

Fingers crossed that Fire Country Season 2 delivers some good news for once. 

What do you think about Fire Country Season 1? 

If you’ve seen it, what’s something from Fire Country Season 2 that I should look forward to? 

Drop a comment below to let me know what you think, and join me again as I catch up to Fire Country Season 3!

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