
9 Day Novena for the Conversion of Pope Francis


STEUBENVILLE, Ohio — A special 9-day Novena for the Conversion of Pope Francis will begin on December 8, 2024, and will run through December 17, 2024 (the birthday of Pope Francis), starting at 8:00 PM EST every night.

Download the Novena here.

Watch the live broadcast here.

This prayer initiative, which invites Catholics worldwide to unite in prayer, is focused on securing the grace of conversion for Pope Francis.

Our Lord said to Peter in Luke 22:32 “But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and thou, being once converted, confirm thy brethren.”

Our prayer is focused on the prayer of Christ for Peter for the conversion of Pope Francis, so that as the Lord then turning looked on Peter, and Peter thereupon wept bitterly (cf. Luke 22, 61-62), so the Lord may mercifully turn and look on Pope Francis, who may then as well weep bitterly, and be thereupon able to confirm the entire Church in the Divine and unchanging Catholic Faith.


Christopher P Wendt
Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima
[email protected]

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